Welcome to my blog. Here you will find an irregular record of my haphazard progress through an eclectic mix of projects, games and other assorted wargames-related nonsense.

You came here looking for toast and tea? Pop in a couple of slices and put a brew on. This blog is best enjoyed with hot buttered toast and a mug of strong, hot tea*.

*Warning - may contain puns.

Friday 23 March 2018

To begin is good...

...to continue is better. To finish is best.

That was my old secondary school motto. Some 40-plus years later I'm still struggling with the last bit. Too many stalled or abandoned projects litter my gaming past - all begun in earnest but never completed. So, why the blog?

There was a time when I got to game almost once a week and had plenty of spare time to pursue my hobby. These days spare time is hard to come by, so I hope this blog will give me an incentive to keep moving my numerous unfinished gaming projects along. Continuing will indeed be better, but let's not think too hard about finishing. This is supposed to be a journey, not a destination. I hope you'll join me and come along for the ride.

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