The last time I got to play a game of any description was over 12 months ago. When I checked, I couldn't believe it had been so long. This is not good.
My abstinence is partly due to lack of opponents since my regular gaming pals are all now some distance away (in one case across the Channel) meaning games have to be on-line via Skype. I'll talk more about gaming via Skype in a later post, but suffice to say it does have its drawbacks.
Fast forward to Sunday 18th March 2018 and by great good fortune three of us managed to get our ducks in a row (should that be penguins? - It was perfect weather for them) and met up at the West Midlands Military Show (WMMS) in Aldersley. Kudos to everyone who managed to get there despite the snow as the atrocious weather had clearly knocked holes in attendance (traders, demo games and punters alike). The show was a bit subdued, but from our little reunion came plans for my first proper game in ages. So, the following Wednesday my mate Pete made the journey over to chez nous for a game of
Mythic Battles Pantheon.

I should admit at this point that in my eagerness for a game I've probably committed wargaming heresy by playing with unpainted miniatures. I am unrepentant. Well, Mythic Battles is a miniature boardgame and boardgames don't count, right? I would never contemplate fielding unpainted miniatures on a table-top wargame, but have no qualms about doing so on a boardgame. If that sounds like double-standards I can only say in my defence that I have come to terms with the idea that boardgame miniatures are 'playing pieces', in much the same way as a chess piece is. When I first saw the Kickstarter campaign for Mythic Battles it was the miniatures that attracted me and I had imagined using them in a fantasy table-top wargame setting. I had zero interest in a boardgame. It took some time for me to come around to accepting the whole boardgame package but now I have, I can happily get on with simply enjoying the game.
Of course, I do still want to paint the miniatures and at some future point I will post some pretty pictures of my efforts, but right now having fun playing the game is more important to me. So, if the thought of playing with unpainted miniatures is likely to give you apoplexy, please stop scrolling now and look away before you reach my next post.