When I was putting together the plastic Thegns I didn't think much beyond getting them into some reasonable poses. I had noticed that the plastic spears were a bit on the chunky side and thought they'd be better with wire spears. Anyway, I could live with them the way they are - or so I thought. The trouble is, once the idea was formed I couldn't get it out of my head. Those plastic spears just had to go!
This would not have been a simple job even before starting construction. The spears are moulded as an integral part of the arms. Some are connected not only to the hands, but to the forearm with a thick block of plastic bridging the gap between spear and arm. This was going to require major surgery - and I was already well into painting the figures.
Deep breath. Armed with sprue cutters, pin drill and plenty of fresh scalpel blades I set to work. The first job was to clip off the spears neatly either side of the hands. This gave a nice flat surface into which I was able to drill a hole through each hand. After that, it was simply (ha!) a matter of carefully trimming away the excess plastic around the hands and forearms. Fortunately as the figures are plastic, the clipping, drilling and trimming wasn't too painstaking. There were a few casualties; a severed thumb here, a sliced finger there. No - not mine! This required reconstructive surgery with Milliput to re-sculpt the missing digits and restore proper grip. I'm no sculptor, but I was reasonably happy with the result.
The miracle of Dark Age plastic surgery |
The forearms on some of the figures were going to require similar post-op reconstructive treatment, re-priming and painting, but the damage was relatively minimal.
After surgery and re-arming with wire spears it was back to the painting queue for the Thegns...
...where they joined their more sensible (and thus uninjured) comrades who had eschewed spears in favour of swords.
Okay, so now I can stop agonising over the spears. Next time, I'll remember to fix them before construction. Now I come to think of it, I wonder if it was such a good idea to fix the shields on before painting?