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Sunday 25 September 2022

Need For Speed

Okay great, you're an Imperial Scout Trooper. You have a 74-Z Speeder Bike capable of several hundred km per hour. Sure that's fast, but at that speed it steers like a cow. So, where do they send you? Endor. Some god-forsaken forest moon packed full of trees. If the murder bears don't get you, you'll likely end up splashed all over the trunk of some giant redwood.

But these two guys are luckier. There aren't too many trees on Tatooine. 

Yes, here are a pair of Scout Troopers on their speeder bikes ready to join my Star Wars: Legion Imperial forces. As usual, they are based for arid or semi-arid operations, the aforementioned Tatooine for example.

The Scout Troopers were quite fun to paint, which is perhaps surprising after my challenging experience with their Stormtrooper brothers in arms. It's probably because there are only two of them so painting progressed quickly before I got bored. 

The speeder bikes were also a pleasure to paint. Just a couple of main colours with washes and subtle drybrushing to highlight the detail. Nice and simple, but effective I think.

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